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310 miles,
3 months,
YOUR way.

Partnering with the St. John's Riverkeeper, Get Outdoors Fitness is proud to present the SAVe Our Grasses 310-mile Virtual Race, a virtual competition for self-propelled craft along the entire length of the St. John's River from its southernmost point near Vero Beach to its northern output in Duval County near Mayport.


This virtual race is open to all self-propelled watercraft, including,

  • Canoe

  • Kayak

  • Stand-up/prone paddleboards

  • Surfski

  • Outrigger canoe

  • Rudderless va'a

  • Rowing shell/scull

June 1 - September 1, 2024
SAVe Our Grasses Virtual Race.jpg

How does it work?


Register for the race at this link. You can register any time before the September 1st completion deadline, but you may not upload miles until June 1st. 

Upload your miles

You can upload your paddling/rowing mileage multiple times per day.  We recommend you venture onto the St. John's River for this challenge, but it's not required. 

Get Recognized

All finishers will receive a commemorative sticker and a 310 Paddler's medal from the SJRK. Finishers will also be recognized at the annual Source to Sea Celebration in Palatka, FL.

50% of Registration Fees Directly Benefit the SAVe our Grasses Campaign

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) is crucial to the ecosystem of the St. John's River, but environmental disasters like Hurricane Irma and other environmental stressors have eliminated nearly 90% of the SAV in the Lower St. John's River Basin.  This is bad news for native wildlife like manatees, aquatic birds and fish populations, as well as the health of fragile wetlands that protect manmade structures from flooding and erosion (see the SJRK website for more information). 


In short, without SAV the health of the entire St. John's River system is at risk. That's why the St. John's Riverkeeper has stepped in to mount expeditions to survey existing SAV populations and environmental conditions so that they can intervene and protect this uniquely Floridian treasure.

More ways to help

You don't have to grab a paddle to help- follow the SJRK on social or check out their website for other ways to get involved. 

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Tag us on social as you complete your trek along the St. John's 




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